You just remove everything you don't need”. But boy, are you wrong! Try to imagine it like this: You have a product and/or a service and you want to convey as much information as possible to your (potential) customers. But, there is a catch. You absolutely cannot use any type of complex communication. It doesn't seem so easy anymore, does it? So how do you create a minimalist design? Well, therein lies the difference between a good designer and a great designer. Building a perfect minimal website or app to get just the right amount of information through requires patience, experience, and research. There are many ways to create your perfect UI for the perfect UX, but the two main tactics are: To construct Build down The first requires more experience and is by far more difficult than the second.
Building basically means that you start from scratch and only create the necessary elements that your site needs. This comes with potential risks, even for design veterans, as there are always elements that could be missed. This is why building down is always preferable. Building (or skimming) is definitely the longest road when building a website (especially a minimalist one). Essentially, you get every possible element you can think of in one great mix. After that, you start browsing through unnecessary items and step by step you will get access to only the most Real Estate Photo Editing important features, functions and information. And after this filtering, the visual experience is enhanced by simplification. Now let's review some examples of beautifully designed web UIs, explore why they're good (or bad), and figure out what we can learn from them. These 10 amazing examples of minimalist design set modern trends