Dragon defender is better than dfs due to the presence of atk bonuses. Due to the fact that you're short of cash expl, it's a good idea to RS gold ring zerker because the pray bonus lowers the amount of ppots utilized.. Also, the emergency free run, teles and ability to alch crap tht u get are very effective.
If you're anything like me, and you prefer grinding melee: Torags platesbody Torags legs. Those 2 together cost approx 800k-1m.. Degrade to 0 within 15 hours.. Together, they cost 170k I believe.. Imagine getting Dplate.. The D-plate will cost you about 9m? Torags provide 2 times more defence (Iirc that it is the best defence armour in game).. The best part? It's frikkin' sexy!
If you take 9m to repair torags, u can take advantage of them for an total of 843.75 hours. (more than enough time to max melee ) and max slayer). )... Thats practically the most potent shizzle that you will find.. It's less expensive if you have buy OSRS gold an armour stand at ur house. I don't see why you don't want to use these.